What is a Baby Journal & Memory Book?

The anticipation and delight parents feel awaiting the birth of their little one grows and grows throughout a pregnancy. Each scan is like a little piece of a puzzle coming together, providing clues about who you will be bringing into the world. The first kick in the belly brings a sense that something amazing is happening in there, and then the real work begins.

Decorating the nursery, buying baby clothes and writing your birth plan. The nervous excitement leading up to the big day builds, whilst your friends throw you a fantastic baby shower with mocktails! Finally, the time has come, and your little bundle of joy is ready join you in the big wide world. Your birth partner grabs your hospital bag as you head out the door. The next few hours are whirlwind as you go through one of life’s most magical moments. Ecstatic and exhausted, you cradle your little one in your arms as you gaze upon the most beautiful gift in the world.

What better way to relive all that drama and enchantment than with a baby journal – a place to record all those special moments in one place so they can be treasured for years to come.

A baby journal should be adaptable to your needs, with enough free space to be customisable whilst maintaining a chronological sequence. ‘I Love You to the Moon & Back’ baby journal provides a unique opportunity to capture all the special moments and tell your baby’s story the way you want to. Your little one will love flicking through the pages with you and exploring the story of the start of their life (or you could keep the journal a secret for a big reveal on their 18th birthday!). 

A baby journal can be kept by parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, godparents and family friends. Whether its meeting baby at the hospital or baby’s first trip to the beach, everyone will want to make their voice heard in the baby journal for such a special time of life. All the family can get involved, contributing by recording their special moments with the little one.

For something that will held dear by your family, possibly for generations to come, quality really does matter. That is why Solstice Stories journals are designed with a hardback cover and quality paper to ensure they last the test of time. The linen used on the face of the journal gives it a superior feel and a chic appearance that would look at home on any bookcase or mantelpiece. The charming, understated artwork throughout gives the design an effortlessly timeless feel, appealing to both adults and babies.

A baby journal is somewhere to keep you and your baby’s memories of the start of their life, so those magic moments can be relived time and time again. A Solstice Stories journal provides the perfect gift for an expectant family, bestowing on them an elegant heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Looking for more inspiration? How to start a Baby Journal? and What to include in a Baby Journal will have all the information you need to start your journaling journey.


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